TreeBook: Tree Species Indigenous to Southern Africa, indexed by Scientific name.
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Sideroxylon inerme
White milkwood | Pruned to open trunk | Note use of the tree in a drought tolerant garden | Mosselbay
Gardening ideas
Suitable for a very small garden if planted in a large pot. Sideroxylon inerme responds very well to pruning. It makes an attractive hedge.
Sideroxylon inerme
White milkwood
It is mildly sensitive ( min. temperature is -0.5C)
It will grow in soil type:
well-drained, sandy
Medium: 5m high; 5m crown
Mature size?
Plant in container?
It's leaf growth is
It's growth rate is
It's roots are
slightly aggressive
It's drought tolerance?
Drought tolerant
Bisexual flower on same the tree
Fruit eaters
up to 5m
Screening value?
Value to game?
no value